
An Introduction to the role of Designated Teacher with Rochdale Virtual School - DATE CHANGED FROM 19.09.24 TO 28.01.25

  • To understand the roles, responsibilities and new guidance of the designated teacher for cared for children.
  • Facilitator
  • Venue & Travel Information

Christopher Tyler (Virtual Headteacher, RMBC)

Christopher Tyler

Christopher is Virtual Head Teacher of our Virtual School. The school supports our Cared for Children (Looked After Children), previously Cared for and those with a social worker. He’s worked here since 2015, before which he was VHT for Staffordshire. He has worked for the National Strategies’ ‘Narrowing the Gap’ team and led Manchester’s vulnerable and mobile children team. He is a secondary English teacher by training and has worked extensively with marginalised and vulnerable children, including Gypsy Roma Traveller children and as a teacher for the Roberts’ Bros. Super Circus school.

Edgar Wood Academy

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