
Phonics for Primary ECTs

  • The course will cover the teaching of phonics as included in the National Curriculum.
  • It will also include ideas for engaging children that can be taken back to the classroom
  • And show how phonic skills can be applied into writing and other aspects of the curriculum.

When children start learning to read, the number of words they can decode accurately is too limited to broaden their vocabulary. Their understanding of language should therefore be developed through their listening and speaking, while they are taught to decode through phonics (The Reading Framework 2023).

This session will provide the opportunity to discuss key messages from the DFE and OFSTED with regard to the teaching of phonics.

 It will also provide practical and fun ideas to support children in applying their phonic skills when reading and spelling, regardless of the SSP used in school.

Generic phonic CPD will also be incorporated into the session.

  • Facilitator
  • Venue & Travel Information

Emily Humphrey, EMA Teaching & Learning Advisor, Rochdale Borough Council

Emily Humphrey, Teaching and learning Adviser

Prior to becoming a Teaching and Learning Adviser, I was a teacher and senior leader in a Rochdale primary school with responsibility for the English curriculum and supporting children for whom English is an additional language, throughout the school.

On joining the Rochdale School Improvement Team, I was trained to support schools through the National Improving Schools Programme. Since then, I have had the privilege to work with school staff in the main areas of Key Stage One, working with children from ethnic minority groups and those who have English as an additional language. As an accredited Key Stage One moderator, I have supported schools with their statutory assessment duties and led an effective LA moderation team.

I continue to love my role, working with the staff and children of Rochdale schools. I am interested in using my licence as an ELKLAN trainer to support school staff to use effective ways to develop children’s language and communication. It is a privilege to work with Rochdale schools to develop fun and exciting ways to provide children with engaging learning opportunities so that they enjoy school and reach their potential. 

Edgar Wood Academy

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